Saturday, July 09, 2005

Website birthing has labor pains

I'm in the process of creating a website and the labor pains have been constant. In fact everything that I do related to computers and the internet is a form of labor pain.

Since I have a very basic skill level regarding computers in general, just the thought of designing a workable website-- that would work-- was at first only a dream. If I was not so inquisitive by nature and stubborn to a fault--I probably would have already abandoned my internet experience. I would have fallen back on my time proven mode of communication and ministry.

So--since first announcing the domain have been doing the research, asking questions, and making decisions. One of the amusing things about a registered domain is to visit it! When I see the sign "UNDER CONSTRUCTION", I'm forced to laugh at those those two words. Construction to me implys that there is some brick and mortar being applied--not just thoughts and ideas.

After several weeks of brain lifting, it is now time to apply the results in some physical form. Here comes the physical labor. the actual layout and construction of the site.

Since I don't have the benefit of a crystal ball that can forcast what the site will eventually become, I'm going to leave plenty of room for future development. In other words the site will be under constant construction and re-model for some time to come. I wonder how long I stand labor pains?

A fair warning is in order to every soul that has ever mentioned to me that they have some computer or web design skills. You had better turn your porch light off and the shades pulled.

OK Yodi, let's roll up our sleeves and get this thing in the oven.

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