Saturday, July 16, 2005

I feel rather dense

Have you ever felt like you were that last one on earth to know--what has really been going on below the surface in your relationships with people?

Well---that is exactly how I feel tonight.

I have never been good at reading between the lines or seeing what is happening below radar. I always have been good at listening to words--but not very good at reading between the lines. And--whenever I was made aware of a problem--I always have tried to address it--but always in a direct above the board way.

So--I have been flying along blind as a bat to some of the issues affecting my work and my life. I need to get better at reading hidden agendas and underlying needs. That way I won't feel blindsided when something roars to the surface and demands immediate attention.

Maybe I should ask different questions and look around the corner more.

Usually I recognize the situation once it comes forward--but didn't understand or recognize the severity of the situation.

So I can put this on my list of glaring weaknesses that make me even more human. I wonder why I have this weakness in human relations? I wonder if I will ever improve? My self improvement list seems to be getting longer as I get older.

I'm glad I have Yodi around to comfort me in moments like this. "GOD" too.

I'm sorry world.

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