Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Apologetics--a church leadership failure

Today was another day when reflection has led to some uncomfortable realizations.

The church has been acting against itself on matters of doctrine and morals. Young priests in seminary are no longer taught apologetics-- and therefore the members at large know very little about the traditional beliefs which were the rock solid foundation of society. They are "ignorant disciples"

On another discussion--the question was asked--"was John Paul 11 an apostate. I wrote a reply to the question in which I stated that he was not an apostate. But now a greater question arises. If he was not himself apostate--then has the church itself become such under his reign as pope? Did he push for eucuminism and reconciliation with those outside at the expense of members souls and in affect abandon the Mother church?

When I have searched around for those who defend the church and its teachings--it is the lay members for the large part doing the defending. They write articles, run websites, participate in media--and have become the defacto defenders of the faith. While the pope and church leaders and clergy scramble for inclussion in the fallen world and its heresy---the lay members are poking their fingers in the dike holes.These lay members have taken it upon their shoulder to do the teaching that the clergy should be doing.

With church leaders putting "out to lunch" signs on the door of apologetics,---church members have been smooth talked away by anti-Catholic reformers.

I pray that Benedict XV1 wakes up and reverses this slide into secularism. In the meantime--the erroding values around us all should be a wake up call for the clergy.

It is time for the bishops to take off the overstuffed gloves and begin defending Christ's mission through his church. Just expecting others to know the traditions and truth is not enough. Even Yodi can figure this one out.

It is sad when I mention the word apologetics, most church members believe it has something to do with apology.A unfortunate play on Greek root words that sound alike but are actually diametric in meaning. To use sound reason in discussions about the truth is not apologizing.

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