Monday, July 11, 2005

Being called a demon--how interesting

Today on the Neighborhood forum, I was called a demon by one of the members.

I am not sure if he truly meant it or if it was simply the desperate cry of somebody who had been backed into a corner and was exasperated by their circumstances.

What I thought was most interesting about my emotional reaction --was the initial shock of the statement. Thank goodness I had just read where this tactic is often used by members of the "homosexual rights groups" to stop somebody in their tracks. The article said it was a very useful tool. Most people do not want to be labeled as homophobic--so these groups slander those opposed to their position by labeling them "homophobic. Other groups like to call others "racist" for the same reason and to have the same affect and reaction.

So I then began to suspect that this same tactic had just been played on me and another member. If we were to be called "demons", then maybe we too would be shocked into submission. Oh--I almost forgot. The member also abrubtly requested that their membership be deleted. After all--they needed to add some icing to the cake so to speak. The same affect of wiping the dust from his shoes--or wiping his hands of us. In other words--putting us in our proper place [beneithhis authority and opinion].

This ploy really was an attempt to control my beliefs and actions, [as well as other members].

This accusation occured on a religious sub-forum where disagreements are common--but brotherhood expected.

If this person really thought me and the other member were demons or demon possessed--he would have immediatly sent us prayers and taken steps to insure that our souls were saved from the perceived dangers inherant to one whose soul is in such peril.

I'm not sure if the reason I was labeled as such was because the person realized that their position was in error or realized that the information I had just provided would lead to a better understanding of my position. After all--one of the marks of a good brother is to seek understanding of those they are in brotherhood with. I did not request this person to abandon their own beliefs--just understand mine.

Well--at least Yodi still like me. But that brings up another good point. Never abandon what is right in order to be liked and accepted.

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