Wednesday, June 29, 2005

The natives are restless

Tonight I'm nestled away in the easy chair having just spent a long day traveling from Northern California to the State of Washington in a motorhome.

As the miles passed by-- I was treated to a splendid view of nature. The trees were green and lush-- soaking in the sun and enjoying their verdant season. The mountains still have snow on the peaks which feed the many rivers and streams along the route.
Three volcanic mountain peaks stretch up above the mountain ranges. Shasta, Hood, and St. Helens--with Raineer, Baker, and Adams to see tommorow. Yes--nature was in balance today.

But upon my return to the internet websites and the various news sources therein--it appears the only thing in balance these days is nature.

I was greeted with a petition for the removal of five Supreme Court Justices over the property rights fiasco. Hillary is gaining momentum as she bulls her way toward the 2008 Democrat ticket. President Bush is out on the stump [no offense Yodi]--still trying to gain support for a war that has been going on for a couple of years, diesal fuel prices at the truck stop in Oregon were $2.33 per gallon and on the rise.
And the list goes on.

There seems to be a mood in the air of discontent, anger, and frustration. It seems to be coming from all quarters.

That is--if one allows the restless natives to ruin ones day. Most of these problems have been with us since we were born. There is always unrest. The natives are always on the warpath. There is actually nothing different now--than 60 years ago. Just the names of the individuals in the news and situations of life that need to be dealt with. It would be boring if there wasn't something to rag about.

However---if we allow life to get to us--then we have a problem. You see--99.9% of everything we worry about never turns out bad. And the 1/10th of 1% that does is just a problem that needs a solution. Politicians and society have always disagreed. And--prices are always going up. And wars--there are always wars to talk about.

So as the natives get ready to burn down the fort--why not show up with some marshmellows and weiners. However--don't forget a campstove to roast them on. The natives never do get around to much more than talk. And it is hard to roast a marshmellow on just hot air.

Now a certain puppy I know always whines when he doesn't get his way--much like those natives. We could all learn from him by watching his tirade fade into a wagging tale--and then a nap.

Everything always looks better after a good nap. Yodi taught me that one.

Goodnight and pleasant dreams.

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