Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Zippy the clown

I met two amazing people this week and still have a smile on my face. They own a small circus. In fact--the two of them are the circus. along with a baby Lion and a lot of audience participation.

Swan Circus operates out of Sacramento, California and provides good clean family fun and laughs in the cental valley of the state.

Zippy and his brother started the circus 37 years ago and it is definitly a labor of love. They are not getting rich in a monetary sense. But they have enjoyed spreading a wealth of happiness throughout their careers.

If memories were money, Zippy would be a billionaire.

In a world filled with dispair, clowns and circus entertainers have been a welcome lighthouse--shining a clowns smile towards the injured and bruised hearts of society.

Zippy gave me a personal message to pass onto my blogger audience. "It is better to wear out than to rust out" He never stops moving around and having fun. His mother died two years ago of cancer at the ripe old age of 92. She was an active runner in track and field. She held the Guiness Book of world records for running at her age up until cancer ended her participation.

Zippy also holds age related records. he has won over 50 gold medals for track and field.

I know--this is the second post today on this blog. But--how often does a clown come into one life full of laughs and tricks?

He even had Yodi's attention.

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