Monday, June 13, 2005

Gay Games

I just read on a forum that Kraft Foods was sponsoring a "Gay Games". It may be gay, but not the laughing type-- for sure. Active homosexuals refer to themselves as gay.

I wonder why they want to have their own games?

Could a straight normal person participate in the games?

Don't count on it. It appears to me with homosexuals having their own day at Disney World, their own parades, and now their own games that what they really want is preferential treatment--not equality.

Since when does a persons sexuality determine what events they participate in? Who do you know that announces their sexual preferance at events--or for that matter in any normal conversation.

I can envision homosexuals wearing a big name tag at the local garden club that states they are "gay". Then I suppose they will have gay flower club meetings!

Well enough of this chatter. I hope Yodi doesn't request a special puppy day for what otherwise would be a normal outing. I don't want to figure out how to pin a tag on him that states he is a puppy!

The world can be a strange place.

Does Kraft Foods have special "gay food"?

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