Thursday, June 23, 2005

Inspired action

I like the feeling when inspiration sends me into action. It generally means that I'm on the right track and there is no need to be hesitant. Full speed ahead.

The reason I bring this up is because I'm in that zone right now. I had been brooding around on what direction to take this blog and the Neighborhood forum. I had to finally surrender the whole matter to prayer --as my own limited human potential simply was not up to the task.

When I did that--it all suddenly appeared crystal clear. I mentioned my inspiration to my brother and he has funded a new website. So this blog, and the Neighborhood forum will become a part of my overall ministry. www.frmikesneighborhood is the website and it will expand into a full fledged effort to inspire, teach, and motivate users to be better than they are.

It will encompass positive uplifting news sources, discussions, links, ---and whatever else inspires me in facilitating this in people lives.

I haven't even mentioned this to my order as they believe I've been laying low with my family and recouperating. Who has time to lay around when there are people to help and serve? And--how can my superior argue with "GODS" inspired plan?

Stay turned. Now Yodi and I are taking a little walk--only this time it will be on the sunny side of the street.

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