Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Is the President the leader we need for todays times?

After some thought and a good deal of time reflecting on the Republican Senators negotiating away the majority position on the fillibuster topic---I'm beginning to think we need a different man with a different team pushing forward the agenda.

If Ronald Reagan was president now--and held the majority in both houses of congress--I sincerely doubt that members of his party would ever leave the ranks as they have done with the current President Bush.

We sit at a critical junction in our countries history. Whether secular attacks on our core Christian values and the very sacredness of life will continue--or whether the conservative human values that we all hold dear will prevail. Darkness verses light.

It appears to me that darkness won this week and I have to put the blame squarely on the President shoulders. He is the party leader and is responsible for bringing his party together at times when critical votes are needed and when the very force of his agenda is in question.

He failed miserably this week. Either he lacks the tools and leadership skills required or he has surrounded himself with the wrong team. In either case---he was not able to hold the party Senators together. This whole idea of moderates is a product of party leadership weakness.

Just like Yodi depends upon me when the going gets dicey--so should the constituants of the Republican party depend upon its leader. The Father of the cause.

This has been a very bad week for those who hold family, morality, and life --sacred.

No amount of spin control will change what has just occured. And I see it as just a symptom of a much larger problem.

We have a leader who is all hat and no cow. He just didn't cut the mustard when it really did count.

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