Sunday, May 01, 2005

"GODS" Will Not Ours--And It'sFor Real

Well Yodi, I really miss you tonight and I hope you are feeling safe and secure with my family while I have been gone. Let me tell you what it has been like visiting my other family.

I have a vague memory of last week and I must share it with you using words that will only partially relate where I have been and who I have visited.

When the lights went out here they came on there. It was every bit as real to the point that here became the memory and there the reality. It was vibrant and warm and filled with good feelings. There were angels in my midst as well as a love beyond my comprehension.

I was at the doorway of another family that I know and -- I could feel them and their greetings. It was a homecoming but it also felt like I had never really left. I felt like I had always been there but my attention was here. I never would have turned my attention to there if "GODS" will had not focused it there.

I told you this was going to be hard to put in words and I can tell by the way your big ears are turned that you are trying to grasp what I'm saying. As you wag your little tail when I'm in your view, I too was wagging my whole being when I was aware of whose presence I was in. It engulfed me with comfort and a love beyond a tail wag.

I woke back into this world and as my attention moved from that place to this, I began to refocus on my family, friends, and loved ones here --but with a very real memory of where I had just been and---of another family, friends, and loved ones that await me.

I knew about that other place in my human way, but now "GOD" has given me a new knowing that has imprinted upon my conscious mind in bright vivid feelings, thoughts, and visions of a place beyond words.

I was left with a new knowledge of "GODS" will. He directs my attention towards the family I must serve. Much like a telescope can train upon and focus where the attention lies, so does "GODS" will control the focus of my soul and thus my attention.

I now am even more indebted to my "GOD" than I ever invisioned or imagined. I understand my humble servace in a new light and meaning. I have transcended my logic and ego and visited my true reality.

When I was taught to be in this world but not of it I understood as a human could. I now understand it as a soul. And this is why these words lack the dimension that only my prayers can hope that you can glimpse.

Yodi. My love just jumped beyond a wag and I know we are together beyond known eternity.

I need some time to patch up my fractured body. It has been hurt pretty bad and I'm missing some pieces that need to return. I'm not scared but I am in a lot of pain and my emotions are out of my control. My thoughts are not real focused and are going in slow motion. I really need help both from here and from there.

I'm tossing the ball in my mind and can't wait to do so again in person. I love you buddy.

Goodnight and sleep tight.

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