Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Whose church is it?

It is the duty of every person who professes to a religion to become active in their faith. It is through activity where your faith becomes real.

To live your faith is to know your faith. With corruption and apostasy being two componants of a church that has been held hostage by leadership left to its own devices-it is paramount that the faithful assume positions of watchdogs over the clergy. Our savior taught us that it is justified to enter the temple of worship and chastise those who used their positions as a means to enrich their own egos through pursuit authority rather than positions of servitude. A corrupted leadership has by definition lost its ability to police itself. Until corruption has been removed and dignity restored--the faithful must assume the mantle of overseer.

When the clergy openly defies the teachings and traditions in favor of their own perverted lifestyles--then it is just for the faithful to call attemtion to their failings and demand their removal. And by removal I don't mean re--assignment--I mean. defrocking and excommunication. The canon law has the machinations for this end,but it is so rusty from misuse or non-use--that it is now up to the faitful to loudly apply the oil to the gears and a fire to the process.

The church is where mankind practices and perfects his salvation--not a place for proping up the failures and fancy of men who have lost their calling. Failure b y the leaders to act must result in empty temples for those who believe that the keyes to their kingdoms were somehow quaranteed. It is better to restore the altar to a cave than to allow satan to influence the Eucharist in a cathdedral of empty spirit.

Become a loud squeeky wheel that refuses to be silenced. Become a activist in your parish and diocese. Those outside the communion of the church must also stand vigilant watch over your own place of worship. Trust not the ministers and pastors to your salvation or those of your religious community. Be vigilant to the needs of your family and friends in Christ. A war for theirs and your soul is being waged and it is time for warriors to come forth clothed in armor and prepared to actively defend the faith from evil and to cast out leaders who have been lost to their own demise.

Who are you following and which path are you on? It is time to shed the scales of complacency that blinds one to the truth.

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