Thursday, August 11, 2005

From fallen church leaders to risng energy costs


“His Eminence, Edward Cardinal Egan, has today accepted Monsignor Eugene Clark’s resignation from his position as Rector of the Cathedral of Saint Patrick. Although Monsignor Clark continues to deny the allegations against him, he offered his resignation for the good of Saint Patrick’s and the Archdiocese. He will not be celebrating Mass or the sacraments publicly until this matter has been resolved.”

Living a lie and fooling others. Now that would be a more efficient statement and would not leave the reader wondering why the Rector resigned. Common knowledge throuhout the diocese has placed Msr. Clark with a number of women over the years. All rumore of course. Evidently one of the rumors surfaced in the personage of a married parishoner with whom he has had a long standing adulterous relationship.

Yes, Msr.--it is for the good of saint Patricks that you resign. It is time for you to retreat and take stock of your vows and mortal sins. I hope your actions spurs other church leaders in similar situations to also do the right thing. I hope it does not take someone coming forward for them to choose the right actions--as in your case.


There is nothing like a hot button topic or string of them to bring the peanut gallary into view. The issue of homosexuality and sex education really had the place abuzz yesterday. Since we have declared war against Satan in society and government, it will be interesting to view the reactions in the forum as future articles stir the blood of our members. The hope is that they become so aggitated by the facts being printed before their eyes, that they will take a proactive part as partners against the great deceiver. I wonder who will decide to attack the messenger--rather than the message? I suppose I will just have to wait and see.


I remember living in a home that used heating oil in the furnace. With diesal fuel prices hitting near $3.00 a gallon, one must pause and consider all those poor souls who will see the cost of heating their homes this winter skyrocket. If one has a 1,000 gallon tank--they will be asked to pony up near $3,000.00 for a fill up. Will armed guards need to ride along with the fuel truck driver as he makes his rounds? There will be more value in the fuel cargo of one truck than the vaults of most banks on a given day!!


Does anybody wonder if the sudden doubling of oil related products have anything to do with the Iraq occupation? The same factors that are being blamed for the high prices of oil have been around for over 20 years. Low refinery capacity, unrest in the middle east, high consumption. I find it hard to believe that oil would reach $66 a barrel [up from $20] without there being a measure of retaliation taking place for our actions in the middle east. The last time we invaded [albiet with a coalition] in desert storm--oil never shot up like this. Let us just say I'm suspicious. We may now need to divert some of the money set aside to rebuild Iraq--to the needy folks in America who will need to heat their homes this winter.I wonder what the chance of that happening are?


Of the individual states National Guards? It appears that Illinois and Pennsylvania intend to sue over the defense departments plan to remove air national guard planes from some states and re-position them in others. I thought we were a Republic of states. Maybe the Civil War settled that 150 years ago and I have been living in a country that was a --RINO. Republic in name only.

What do you think Yodi. Just as I thought--So What?

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