Friday, August 12, 2005

Souls are at stake here

Question: When is it right to speak your mind?

Answer: Whenever love is at stake.

Question: How is this verified?

Answer: Whenever a reply chastises the messenger rather than address the message.

Question: What is meant by "love" in the above example?

Answer: The will of "GOD"

I once had a conversation with an athiest. She not only denied the existence of "GOD", but she also denied the existence of Satan. She told me that there was no supreme creator but that we are all creators. She told me that there was no such thing as good or evil but that it all depended upon your perspective.She used a lot of other jargon that was meant to inform me of how things really were in this aquarian age.

The conversation was mostly one sided as she intended to set me straight as far as religion-"GOD"-creation-sin-right-wrong-and the meaning of life was concerned.

When Ihad listened to her for about 30 minutes and after she had informed me that we [our dimension] had entered a "new age", I asked her if all that she said was her opinion or whether she had some facts to base her philosophy on. At that point she called me a few choice swear words and accused me of being a puppet for the pope and his make believe religion. I was stunned and set back on my heels by this sudden attack on me and my faith.I left without giving my side of the story.I was left speechless. The wind was out of my sails--exactly what Satans helpers wanted.

That incident happened over 10 years ago and since that time I have steered clear of the new agers. I now realize that i was wrong. I should have engaged her in verbal combat and layed out my beliefs along with why I belief my faith and my church is the truth. I should have prayed loudly for her soul and demanded the beast show itself. But I didn't.

I now realize that my encounter with this woman and my questions were acting like a bright light shining in a dark tunnel of deceit. This woman was devoid of Christ but full of the influence of Satans demons. It was not the woman attacking me or my faith-but the demons using her vocal chords and demeaner to do so. Does that sound paranoid or schizophrenic on my part? To many many many it does. Satan and his influence has all but been diminished to the same sphere where all the secular enlightened folks put their fairy tales, old wives tales, and urban legends. He likes it that way.

Which brings me back to my original question. When is it right to speak your mind?

How about you Yodi? I notice you don't have a problem voicing your opinion. Could you teach me how to bark a little louder? Souls are at stake here.


Satan has had so much luck with the Episopal church in accepting homosexuality both within the clergy but within marriage, that he has added the Lutherans to this years goal. Thank goodness one synod voted this down. I didn't know you could vote on which of "GODS" commands to obey. Did you?

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