Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Building Character Muscles

I always think of the physical universe as the one being controled by energy, resistance, gravity, elements--the items we all learned about in physics class. In order for a persons physical body to function in this environment, one must constantly exercise muscles, build stamina,and stretch for flexability.If we quit doing the required exercises it becomes harder to do the workload demanded from the body. We can then either make excuses that the work is too hard or we can get back on the exercise wagon.

Character too is controled by a similar set of rules.Being moral, honest, reliable, a good citizen, father, mother,son, daughter, brother, sister, friend, and neighbor requires one to practice using the muscles that build character. For instance--being honest means to be truthful, and a good stewart with others well being. An honest person does not steal, confesses when they are wrong, and does not covet what does not belong to them. A person does acts of dishonesty when they fall to temptations. A temptation can act as gravity and resistance to an honest person. It is always present as a result of the fallen angels among us. So we must practice constantly being honest.

Just as in our physical bodies--our character has different levels of condition. Nobody is completely out of physical shape and nobody is totally dishonest. We are all at different levels depending upon the amount of exercise and desire we have to improve.

There are no small lies and their is no such thing as being nearly honest. You are either truthful and honest--or not.

The first place to start on this exercise program is with ourselves. We must do a character inventory by acknowledging our weak areas--and beginning to exercise those muscles. Can we make it through one day totally honest with ourselves? We will never reach the point of being honest with others until we are honest with ourselves. So that is a good place for us all to start.

Does all this exercise talk make you tired? If so--you just displayed a sign of being out of shape. So get with it. We always feel better after a good workout.

Speaking of which---let's go for a walk Yodi.

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