Wednesday, August 24, 2005

When does an unborn baby feel pain?

My friend Leo from the Ice Palace blog posted a topic about this question that has racked my emotions and caused me to ponder this question from the depths of my soul.

I came up with the following answer not based upon scientific evidence but on something far greater in proof. I'm using my intellect and years of studying my creator. By studying "GOD" I mean observing exactly what he is and how he operates from the information he has supplied me about himself."GOD" creates will, "GOD" creates potential, he creates posibility, he creates solutions to unleash potential, and he creates the end result. That is a lot of creating. Life unfolds for each of us in this order. "GOD" starts out willing us into physical existence. And he created the process for it to happen. And the process has all our potential for be created in every step of the way. In order to survive in a physical environment he created pain and the system for its use by each one of us. Sometimes in conjunction with others such as our birth mothers.

The following is a reply to a post by Leo on the American Patriot forum. I believe this to be a correctly reasoned account of the pain we all feel from two cells to our mortal end. Watch out for the looney wagon and some guys in white jackets and a big butterfly net-- Yodi. And the evil doctors following close behind.

I'm not a scientist or medical doctor, so some could argue with my analysis of the question "when does an unborn bady feel pain?"

At the moment of conception we are everybit physically what we will ever become. We may only have two cells--but oh what cells those are. They immediatly begin receiving genetic commands to divide and become the various organ and skeleton system that will result in a body.

But setting the body aside for a moment, let's explore the spiritual side of our being. When we are concieved, we are not deprived of any tool needed for our survival. There may be genetic breakdowns that result in the physical malfunction and death of these two cells or four cells or four billion cells--whatever amount of cells we happen to be at at the time of physical death. But WE are still whole as a person.

At twol cells in size we lack the physical material that makes up a central nervous system and nerve endings,so-- "GOD" provided them for us in the form of our mother. So--we had the essence of what we would become that was still in a spiritual form [being realized one cell at a time] and we had the surrogate neve cells and central nervous system of our mother to act on our behalf.

Pain is a warning system that "GOD" invented for us---to make us react and pull away from dangerous situations. He decided that our entire body needed this protection and so placed the sensors where they would accomplish the just end they were designed for. Since we are atttached to mom, she is the first line of defense for us with her own system. It is her job to make all the necessary moves to remove us from danger. Since we already exist fully as spirit/soul I believe that part of us is aware of the danger and reacts according to the will of "GOD" in the way that the spirit/soul reacts to pain and suffering. The only difference a person has who physically dies at two cells and one that dies of old age is the physical life experience. Not all of "GODS" creations enjoy a full physical life experience on earth. Some get short circuited along the path. But they are not less than others.

Getting back to pain. If an evil doctor conspires with an evil mother to end the physical life of her unborn baby, pain is felt in many areas. Physically by mom, spiritually by the baby, spiritually by the angels, spiritually, by our savior, and "GODLY" by our creator. There are many levels and areas of pain being experienced when the evil doctor mutilates and tears about the unborn baby.

I would argue also that their is a strong possibility that even two cells may experience pain. Inside every cell exists the code for our entire body. Somewhere in that code is the unrealized physical development of a nervous system and nerve endings and the potential for the physical pain to be felt. So I believe it is felt there as well--in an unmeasurable way.

Now many would say that I'm completely illogical with this post. That everything I mentioned is pure speculation on my part. Well then--prove me wrong.

If I am so blessed to enter heaven and be with the other spirit/souls, I believe they will acknowledge what I have written. I believe that when "GOD" wills the creation of another human being, that there is more present than scientific instruments and scientists are able to define or measure. How much does a soul weigh for example? The evil doctor probably hasn't a clue. "GOD" does--and it is priceless.

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