Friday, November 18, 2005

When you have spent all you can spend..

Each of us in our own unique way are stubborn. Some are able to realize this and are willing to set their feelings aside and open their eyes to other points of view. We can at times have so much emotional investment or captial investment tied up in a position--that the pain is immense when we are faced with the real facts not the filtered variety that goes along with our stubborn traits.

I believe our President and some of his advisors are currently suffering from a severe case of stubborness when it comes to some of their pursuits. It takes a wise man to set aside his own feelings and listen to others views when the natural tendancy may be to stick his head in the sand to avoid all dissent.

America has had a captain at the helm who has just such a severe case of stubborness. It is up to the Congress now to find a way to pull the President feet first out of his hole and own up to the facts. His program may very well have sounded sound at one time. But there does come a time when a reasonable approach would be to consider other routes rather than continue the ship on a course where it most certainly will crash onto the rocks.

I'm willing to give the President a certain amount of rope--but I'm not willing to keep reeling out more until their is none left to give.

The fiscal policy that has resulted in extreme foolishness-- may very well end up extingquishing any hope we or future generations have for a comfortable standard of living for all citizens. If interest rates were ever to spiral as they did durung the Carter administration, the interest on the national dept alone would seriously disrupt hundreds of needed projects funded from the Treasury. We simply cannot go on creating artificial money and spend it until the presses run out of ink! I understand the concept of seeding the economy by lowering taxes. But there does come a point where the anticipated growth in the economy simply cannot be forthcoming due to reckless unfunded dept.

We admonish large corporations for failing to properly fund retiree pensions. 10's of billions of dollars of unfunded pension obligations are now being dumped at the taxpayers doorstep. I doubt whether all those companies planned to fail in their obligations. They too probably thought that they could grow their companie's and profits in the future enough to more than fund any short term deficits in the funds. Unfortunately for those reaching the golden years of retirement, something went wrong.

As a country we must now face up to the same facts as the Corporations. Deficits are REAL. And they cannot be wished away. How can we logically expect future generaations of Congressmen to act any different than todays model? Pork barrel is their mantra. To heck with tommorow.We must be realistic and assume they will come from the same mold.

So what do we do now when we have both Congress and the Administration refusing to deal with deficits and refusing any form of constraint. Sure--we hear of the few million here or their lobbed off some childcare program or senior program. This is all smoke and mirrors. The excess spending spree is in the TRILLIONS! Do we even grasp how many zeros that is? 8,000,000,000,000--it is twelve zeros? And rapidly approaching 13. Thirteen may very well be the unlucky number that brings the financial house of cards crashing down, along with the hopes and dreams of several generations into the future.

Mr. President. Please lift your head out of the sand. You have spent all you can spend. The well has long since ran dry. Please shut down the printing presses.

Ok Yodi, help me drag my soapbox back to the shade.

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