Sunday, November 13, 2005

"Give a Serf a Chance"

In a nation of over 300,000,000 people-- [and 20,000,000 illegals], one would believe there would be more than a few families getting into the presidential race. Even though we whipped King George and cut the chains that bound us to his throne--it was only a matter of a few years before we clammored for our own royal family.

George Washington nearly ended up with "King" type authority and after he left office, we have had a string of families willing to bring forth dynasties. Adams, Roosevelt, Kennedy, Bush, and it is becoming more obvious every day that Her Majesty Queen Hillary [Clinton] will attempt to continue the Clinton dynasty.

But--wait--it now appears that the Presidents brother and Governor of the "Shire" known as Florida--may be entering the fray [see article].

Are Americans going to allow these two dynasties to clash in the elections for the prize of being out next "King", [or does Emporer sound better]?

I realize that it can cost a "King's " ransom to win a major state or national campaign. But isn't it about time we get some new family bloodlines into the mix?

Maybe their are some commoners out there who will actually bring some new ideas for solving our nations problems.Why not give them a chance for a change? "Give a serf a chance!"

The current royalty have already sat around the throne room with their family members and hashed out all the "family" ideas. All that Hillary or Jeb have to offer is family tradition re-packaged with a different colored bow.

Yodi likes the new mantra--"give a serf a chance!" It does have a refreshing ring to it. Don't you think?
Jeb Bush leaves open White House bid

Sunday, November 13, 2005; 10:31 AM

BERLIN (Reuters) - Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, the brother of U.S. President George W. Bush, ruled out running for president in 2008 but left open the possibility of a subsequent bid in an interview with a German magazine published on Sunday.

Jeb Bush, who is scheduled to visit Germany this week, told Focus weekly he had not thought much about running for the office held by his father and older brother except to rule out the next election at the end of George W. Bush's second term.

"You should never say never. But for the 2008 election, my answer is definitely no," he said, in comments translated into German by the magazine.

Asked whether his answer meant a later challenge was possible, he said: "Let's say there's a vague chance."

Bush, 52, said he spoke frequently with his brother and visited the White House whenever he was in Washington but he said the two mainly discussed family matters or sport.

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