Wednesday, November 02, 2005

"A Good Catholic Boy"

"A good Catholic boy"-- "And he doesn't believe in abortions" proclaimed CBS reporter Mike Wallace--as he described Judge Samuel Alito.

Somehow I feel a jab all the way into my ribs when I hear comments like that made.

Mr. Wallace, however has a habit of being biased and we should all note that whenever hearing anything that comes from his lips. He's the guy that CBS has banned from doing programs on gun control because of a lack for objectivity. Or should we just say--plain bias.One might have thought that CBS learned a lesson from the bised reporting done by EX news anchor Dan Rather"gate".

I wonder what would be amazing-- about Judge Alito's personal stance against butchering unborn babies? All Catholics in communion with the church teachings feel this way.

Boy-- it appears that the President has gotten this nomination right-- by the outcry from such organization as the Democrat Party website, and the ladies at NOW and NARAL. Are they concerned that some of the legislation they have gotten passed is somehow now in jeopardy. WAIT! Did I say legislation? I meant court rulings by the activist Justices on the Supreme Court.But alas--all good things must come to an end--and so do all unjust rulings.

I read one article this morning that stated "a majority of Americans think Judge Alioto's nomination should be filibustered. The poll was taken of 28 people!!

Yes Yodi, it appears from all the negative reactions from the left, that we might just have a good man coming to the court. psst! Another good Catholic boy.

1 comment:

Leo Pusateri said...

You know that something right is happening when the left is apoplectic, don't you?

My, how things can change in a week!