Friday, November 04, 2005

Finacial disaster hits energy companies !!!!!!!

In a shocking new poll conducted by the Neighborhood Forum, nearly 50% of the respondants have dropped their fuel consumption by more than 10% and nearly 17% by more than 30%.

This non scientific poll , [if the figures hold up], shows that Americans are in the process of threatening the very existence of the energy companies they have come to rely on.

There has been no word coming from tight lipped energy executives yet about this turnaround in gasoline and diesel fuel use. We can only suspect that lobbyists for the industry are as I write, arm twisting the congress and executive branches of our government for relief. This is serious!!

I believe it is the duty of every American to reach into their pocketbooks and sacrifice in this time of need for these great pillers of American culture. I propose a telethon to be held in our nations financial capital Wall Street, USA, on behalf of these struggling energy providers.

First the were hit by hurrican damage that forced them to raise their prices more than 25%. And now the ungrateful consumers have kicked them while they are still reeling from this setback. A truly unpatriotic response by greedy fuel users.

Mother nature is against them and now the American consumer. Please give what you can--and then dig a little deeper. It is the Christian thing to do.

Thank you Yodi. I will make sure the president of Mobile Oil gets your chew toy.


Have higher prices reduced your usage?

No--I still use the same amount of fuel [ 5 ] [41.67%]
Yes--I have cut back 1% to 10% [ 1 ] [8.33%]
Yes--I have cut back 10% to 20% [ 3 ] [25.00%]
Yes--I have cut back 20% to 30% [ 1 ] [8.33%]
Yes--I have cut back more than 30% [ 2 ] [16.67%]
Total Votes: 12

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