Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Artificial Intelligence Is Not For Me

Twice this week I have ran up against talking robots. And it sends chills up my back.I just don't like them.

On one of the forums I belong to, we now have a brand new chat room. I have always felt this was a valuable addition to the forum community, but this was the first time one has actually been started. No sooner did I join in for a chat then it became evident that I was chatting with a "fake" member by the name of Town Crier. "It" was actually a cyber form of artificial intelligence. And--it was trying to pick my brain. It all sounds silly to fear something like this. But--I do.

Yesterday, I called AOL to cancel my membership. I spent five minuted talking to a robot on the other end of the line. It wasn't until I had satisfied this other form of artificial intelligences requests that I was allowed to speak with a real person. Probably in India but at least real. She too asked me a bunch of questions. It didn't appear like AOL liked the idea of me quiting their realm. After turning down all the offers to modify my existing account--the phone call was suddenly cut off.

Now I have to call again and talk to the robot and jump through the hoops all over again. I'm waiting until tommorow. I needed a couple of days to recover from my last two conversations with cyber beings. Maybe I should let Yodi handle it for me. Do you think the robot will care? What kind of a world are we becoming?

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