Saturday, October 29, 2005

Don't blow the call this time Mr. President

The President had the majority and he very near blew it. He was Notre Dame on the 1 yard line, leading by six with 45 seconds to go. All he needed to do was handoff to the right candidate-- [his nomination] and the senate would do the rest.The nomination conservatives have been waiting for the past quarter century---


And he passes the ball. What!! He couldn't take the pressure or heat. He wasn't up for the fight. Instead--he drops back to throw the ball to Harriet Miers. The freshman who had never carried the ball let alone caught a pass.

90,000 conservatives who had been screaming and celebrating went silent--for about 20 seconds. And then in anger, stormed the field, took the ball out of his hands , and handed it off to the right player.

Either the President goes along with their play, or he is out of the line-up and will be sent to the sidelines where he will have little to do until his final three years of eligibility are up. yes, removed-- plain and simple-- out of the game along with any of his advisors who were too gutless to talk some sense into his head.

This weekend he is off to Camp David. If he does not want to ride the bench for the next three years--he had better make the right call this time.

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