Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Assisted suicide

The Supreme Court will be hearing a case that challenges the Oregon assisted Suicide law. I watched a lady with terminal cancer at a press conference on C-SPAN. I was moved by the ladies plight. She wishes to die with her family present and as she say's "not unconscious and in diapers" In other words on her terms and with what she perceives as with dignity and control.

I have my own beliefs that would counsel against suidide--whether assisted or not.

As far as assisting a oerson to take their own lives I don't think that should ever be legal. I have read some legal briefs that addressed physician assisted suicieds and how the practice evolved in Nazi Germany. I suggest those interested to Google this subject and read for yourself the briefs. It is clear that we educate, and license physicians to help preserve life--not assist in its destruction.

We also have educated and licensed Pharmacists who are charged with providing legal drugs designed to cure, help heal, and affect pain management among other duties.

Society never intended for Doctors and Pharmacists to help people kill themselves. They are trained to counsel and if necessary refer desperate people to seek professional and clerical help for their mental anquish when it is apparent somebody wants to commit suicide.

With laws like the one in Oregon State, it leaves these professionals in a quandry. Some physicians will prescribe the drugs and some Pharmacists will fill the prescriptions, but even this arms length approach designed to shield them from actual participation is wrong in my opinion.

When society and its professionals begin participting in the art of death, it opens a crack that will only expand over time. Anybody that has followed the Dutch assisted program can read in detail how they have moved from serving conscious adults with terminal conditions--to babies who are not capable of making their own choice. This will happen here too.

People who wish to step off the cliff of no return have always existed. Society has always tried to prevent them. But society should never become a partner in taking anothers life even if they request. This is a matter of free will and an individual should not expect others to join in their willful life ending process. Life has a process it goes through from birth to death. We will all die and most will be in some pain prior to its conclussion.

The lady I saw today was perfectly capable of moving around, thinking , reasoning, and going about her own business. If she wants to kill herself she can figure that out on her own without the need of me or you becoming part of the process.

I'm sure some here have an opinion on this case. Do you think the state should be involved in assisted suicide?

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