Wednesday, September 07, 2005

The Depth of "GODS" Will.

We all hear words such as love, hate, good, evil, salvation, sin, holy, unholy, truth, deception. Our knowledge of the meaning these words is limited to our own experiences.

Temptation plays a key role in knowledge. In order to grasp the fullness of a specific state of being such as "being in love" or "being saved" or "being good" or being truthful, takes a commitment to denying the opposite. Satan uses temptation in order to nullify all the spiritual truths and traits that "GOD" wills mankind to be.

Mankind has become complacent-willing to give into temptations without much struggle. If we want to know the depth of a spiritual condition such as love, then we must fight off the temptations to hate. Once we fight one temptation, then Satan will up the ante and offer up even more temptation the next time. It is in the fight against these increasing temptations where we learn about the depth of "GODS" will.

We must earn these traits which make up a man worthy of our creator. The battle for purity of our nature is won in the trenches of spirtual warfare. I'm bringing this matter up because I know that the fall into secularism necesstates a reminder.We must all constantly do inventory of where our thoughts and feelings have led us. Satan is behind all temptation but has done a superb job of disquising this within our society.Some don't believe Satan exists. Some believe it is their right to live as they choose and behave as "they" will. So take stock of all temptations to be less than pure. Seek purity in all actions. As temptations are encountered--[and they will be], fight it off with passion and with each measure won, brings a clearer knowledge of what it means to be--love, truthful, good, holy, saved--and all the traits that "GOD" wills.

Let's go into the forest Yodi and bring light to those shadows.

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