Tuesday, May 23, 2006

We're all packed up and ready to go.....

Yodi will be coming along this time as we both go off on an extended retreat. We will be sharing a small sparse room in a cottage that has six such rooms. I don't know how excited he will be once we get there and he finds that nobody has time to entertain him like at home...but he behaves quite well and I see no problem with the arrangement. The orchard seems to be better than a few days ago. the leafs are once again turning green...[most of threm anyway]. And it appears we have the water settings that were needed. I'm lucky that I have a neighbor out there doesn't mind "tree sitting"

Coming back home from the last retreat was a mini shock to my system. As I began to interact with other folks in person and on the internet, I felt out of focus for a few days. And I found myself listening more and speaking less. Of course my big mouth can't stay restrained for long as it loves eating shoe leather from the many times my foot gets stuck in it... shoes and all. it is best I leave now before I eat more sole than the soul can stand.

Another thing that was hard to reset was my daily schedule. Here at home I'm not very disciplined. Sometimes the neighbors wonder if I'm gone and simply left the lights on all night for security, when in fact I was up reading or studying all night long. At retreat everything is controled from 4AM until lights out at 9PM. I will say I prefer the disciplined approach over my own chaos as it forces me to concentrate on the work at hand. I look forward to tommorow.

This will be my last post until i return. I will probably have alot to say and comment on upon my return. Yodi and I say goodbye for now and you will all be in our prayers.

Blessings to you all.

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