Monday, May 22, 2006

"Depart from me for I am a sinner, O Lord"

Unlike the people of today-- the people of our Lord's time were tired of false religions and hungered for the truth.

Our times are different today... in that people are tired of true religion and hunger and thirst for lies! This explains the speed with which neo-paganism has taken root and spread throughout the entire Western world. I have watched folks in person and on internet forums transform from searching questioning seekers of Christ to sinful, heretical, blasphemers-- seekers of hell.

The day has truly come of which St. Paul spoke in his epistle to St.Timothy... "But know this, that in the last days dangerous times will come. Men will be lovers of self, covetous, haughty, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, criminal, heartless, faithless, slanderers, incontinent, merciless, unkind, treacherous, stubborn, puffed up with pride, loving pleasure more than "GOD", having a semblance indeed of piety, but disowning its power. [2 Tim.3:1-5]

We all might take heed of this advice by curbing our curiosity and doing just what St.Paul says-- "Avoid these"... that is, having nothing to do with such individuals or groups of individuals. Stay away from them and stay away from their unwarranted and ambitious attempts to be teachers in the Church of which they are no longer members.

The words of St.Paul are quite strong when he refers to the kind of success these false teachers have and upon whom... "For such are they who make their way into houses and captivate silly women who are sin-laden and led away by various lusts: ever learning yet never attaining knowledge of the truth. [Ibid. 3,6-7].

It is significant that after Peter experienced the miraculous catch of fish, and had fallen down at Jesus' knees saying... "Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord,"... that our Lord did not depart. Ponder that for a moment.

Because on the contrary-- our Lord said to him... "Fear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men." And Peter later became the first Pope. Even after denying our Lord out of human frailty and fear of the Jews, our Lord did not depart from Peter.

Our Lord will not depart from anyone because of human frailty unless that person first departs from our Lord.We must quit on him before he turns his back. This is the reason why our Lord said that there is not sin that is so great that it cannot be forgiven except one.. The sin against the Holy Spirt.

There are people who seemingly boast that they are "great sinners" and consequently dare not come to church or dare not approach the Sacrament of Penance which is appropriately a means of reconciliation with "God". Some of us are shocked at such bold statements. For we know the true consequences at hand.

Lately I have wondered just how government officials will ever be able to approach the Sacrament of Penance and reconcile themselves with "GOD"... when they would be required to make restitution for all that they have done? I know it is possible and I have no business questioning the power that the Lord's grace has...but!

Do you think a Roosevelt, a Kennedy, a Johnson, a Clinton, or any of the Bushes could ever make restitution for their sins of murder, greed and pride?

These leaders and former leaders-- and many others are even now reaping the just rewards of their evil deeds. Just this past week, I was witness to President Bush tell bold face lies regarding our immigration problem...and later read where some believed this trash without a second thought. We had President Clinton who was caught up in mortal sin, soberly defending himself by claiming there was a word 'definition" problem. Sin is sin Mr. President. I wonder if he understands that there is no seperating out his actions in public service from those in private.

And as an evil world builds monuments to such public scoundrels, the flames of hell fail to purify their souls. During their lifetimes, all those who have been responsible for the constant misery of mankind basked in opulent power and wealth. Their successors today are guilty of the same mistake. For... to every man will divine justice be eventually be rendered.

More than the miraculous catch of fishes-- our attention should be turned to the mind and heart of Christ who does not crush the weak, but gives strength to them because of their humility. If Peter would not have said "Depart from me for I am a sinner, O Lord," the Lord would most certainly have departed from him!

Great nations crumble not because they are more sinful than others, but because in their pride they fail to see themselves as they really are. They fail to repent of their evils and errors by falling at the knees of Christ and saying... Depart from me for I am a sinner, O Lord."

The public robbers and scoundrels of the world who build mansions and monuments to themselves fall far short of their insatiable greed and ambition because they can never admit their guilt. Our Lord came to save sinners. He redeemed all men, but He can only save those who say to Him-- forgive me for I have sinned.

It is tiring to continually remind folks of the path to salvation. Very tiring. Some are more witty or cleaver in their arguments and will gather others to their side as they mock and challenge boastfully the denial of Christ, Christianity, morals, sin.... On my knees in prayer, I ask of the Lord..."Why are my messages ignored". "Why can't they see the logic and truth spoken in love"? "Why the constant rejection by many"?

I never received a direct answer to these prayers...just some insight after days of quiet and contemplative prayer. The wheat is being seperated out. Those individuals and leaders have been offered the cup of truth and already have decided. Not every soul will be saved. Now-- that is blunt and hard to accept for this old warrior priest. But it is the truth. Hell is a limitless pit and still has capacity for those who turn from the Holy Spirit. Free will does offer salvation and it also offers death. Some we must accept as making the choice for death and turn our attention to those yet undecided.

When at retreat it becomes clear after a few days of rest in prayer. We are but mortal who walk this earth as humans. Satan doesn't require rest as we do. His unholy battery never run low...and as we rest he continues on harvesting the souls who mock while we were awake and at work for the Lord. Yes...the bitter pill that needs swallowed by me and others who fight for mans soul is this...they must reach a point after hearing the gospel where they in free will take up the sword on behalf of their own soul. They must recognize their sin and become like Peter as he cried out...

"Depart from me for I am a sinner, O Lord". This is the beginning of salvation!

OK Yodi, that is off my chest. Let us depart for bed and a good nights rest.

Bless you all.

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