Thursday, December 22, 2005

Remaining Firm In The Face of Temptation

In times of stress we learn how loyal we are to our personal integrity. Are we willing to abandon our faith and moral values for the gratification of others or our mental and physical needs?

Stress plays out for me than it does for others. We all have had life experiences which we can blame for the failure to live up to our own values.This failure which involve the lowering of our standards may result in a relief grom the tension brought on by the stress but will result in a damaged character and tear in the fabric of our soul.

Faith, moral values, character, and soul make up who we are. It is the imprint we bring to the terestrial environment--our temporary home.

There will be an abundance of situations in our lives where stress will tempt us to choose the easy way out. to abandonwho we are in favor of temporary relief. We must always consult our conscience for guidance. It is the compass that guides us toward righteous behavior. Pray that this compass sings out so loudly that all voices of dissent are drowned out while allowing for the voice of "GOD" to win the day.

That's right Yodi, always stay the course.

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