I have watched through several national elcetion cycles the Republican party gains which has resulted in them controling not only both houses of Congress but the white House as well. It never occured to me that this same majority would be so arrogant once they gained the upper hand.
Two days ago I watched the Republican controled judiciary committee which is chaired by Senator Arlen Spector completely ignore the will of the vast majority of Americans and pass an immigration reform measure that "spit" on the rule of law and granted amnesty to millions of law breakers who are living illegally in our country.
There were a couple of voices calling forth from the wilderness on the Repulican side, but the chairman rushed this piece of hubris out of his committee as if he was in complete lockstep with the will of President Vincente Fox of Mexico--not John Q citizen.
National polling data could not be more emphatic-- and has been so for decades. The American people do not want this type of legislation!
The Gallup Poll [March 27] finds 80 percent of the public wants the federal government to get tougher on illegal immigration. A Quinnipiac University Poll [March 3] finds 62 percent oppose making it easier for illegals to become citizens [72 percent in that poll don't even want illegals to be permitted to have driver's licenses]. A Time Magazine recent poll [Jan. 24-26] found 75 percent favor "major penalties" on employers of illegals-- 70 percent believe illegals increase the likelihood of terrorism and 57 percent would use military force at the Mexican-American border.
An NBC/Wall Street Journal poll [March 10-13] found 59 percent opposing a guest--worker proposal, and 71 percent would more likely vote for a congressional candidate who would tighten immigration controls. And-- an IQ Research poll [March 10] found 92 percent saying that securing the U.S. border should be a top priority of the White House and Congress.
Yet-- according to a National Journal survey of Congress-- 73 percent of Republican and 77 percent of Democratic congressmen and senators say they would support guest-worker legislation ! Is this a complete disconnect from the will of the American people or what?
The senators should remember that they are American senators, not Roman proconsuls. Nor-- is the chairman of the Judiciary Committee some latter-day Praetor Maximus.
During these past few days, we have all witnessed the "in your face" boldness of 100's of thousands of protestors waving Mexico flags and daring our elected officials to do anything about their brazen disregard for our rule of law and borders. It appears however that the senate judiciary committee got their protest message loud and clear. Who exactly are these senators representing?
What sense does it make to rob other countries of their hard working citizens and import these uneducated workers into our economy legally or illegally?
And as far as the the Senate's and the president's guest-worker proposals, The Washington Post's Robert Samuelson writes:
"Gosh, they're all bad ideas ... We'd be importing poverty. This isn't because these immigrants aren't hardworking, many are. Nor is it because they don't assimilate, many do. But they generally don't go home, assimilation is slow and the ranks of the poor are constantly replenished ... [It] is a conscious policy of creating poverty in the United States while relieving it in Mexico ... The most lunatic notion is that admitting more poor Latino workers would ease the labor market strains of retiring baby boomers ? Far from softening the social problems of an aging society, more poor immigrants might aggravate them by pitting older retirees against younger Hispanics for limited government benefits ... [Moreover], [i]t's a myth that the U.S. economy 'needs' more poor immigrants."
Since President Bush has been touting his guest worker program, millions of additional illegals have crashed our borders. Guest workers and the talked about proposals = amnesty and citizenship to anybody with an ounce of intelligence who has followed the mantra's message. Maybe the Republican led government has seen the writing on the wall and figured that they might as well push full speed ahead with this new world order of slave labor and amnesty because their days in the leadership position will probably end come November. But that idea doesn't make sense either. The Democrats have always been the ones chasing the poor immigrant community for additional voters.
Tom Tancredo in the congress seems to be one leader who has heard and understands the message Americans have been sending via comments and polls. He proposed plans that are called racist and unworkable by his fellow congressional members. He simply wants to send the law breakers home and stop others from breaking our laws. Now granted this could take some time since the President and his predecessors on a lessor degree have allowed over 11 million illegals into our country. Think of the traffic jam that would entail sending them all home at once!
Unfortunately---the dignity and humanity involved here is going unrecognized by many of the illegal immigrant supporters. How would you like to be forced to leave this country--the home of your ancestors and go elsewhere to live and work. Leave your family and culture behind because this same home countries leaders refuse to provide you and your family a decent opportunity at basic survival...the ability to earn and support your loved ones. That is exactly what is happening in Mexico and other Latin american countries. What ever happened to NAFTA and its plan to improve Mexico's standard of living?
Yodi and I have been scratching our heads for months over this issue. We live in a country whose leadership has dropped the ball on this issue and so many others. All we can do is pray and cross our fingers that our own elected representatives get the wax out of their ears and listen to the voters--not their own elitist egos.
Come on Yodi....we have a few more e-mails to send out to even more congressional representatives. Since Congressman Kolbe, Senator's Kyle and Mccain won't return any phone messages, answer our repeated letters and e-mails. Maybe we can talk Rep. Tancredo into moving to Tucson. At least his office responded to our e-mail.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Definition of a "leftist"
I have noticed that in the heat of debate the label "leftist" gets thrown around all too often by those that lean toward the Republican way of thinking. Whatever that is? I will cover "rightest" in another post.
I decided to google the term to see what the internet definition was, and here is what came up:
A broad range of political ideology that is denouncing the of economic and social inequality in the present order of society and advocating the adoption of vigorous public policies to reduce or eliminate these inequalities in opposition of the political agenda of the rightist. Common political paths include socialism , communism , social democracy, welfare statism, contemporary American liberalism and anarchy.
The second half of the definition seems to indicate that a leftist is a socialist or communist which is quite different from the other major party--"Democrat". I suppose some "leftists' would be included in a party that is more socially liberal, but certainly not the majority of that party. There already exists minor Communist and Socialist political parties just as there exists Libertarian and Green.
I wonder what the term social democracy means? Or the term American liberalism. This is quite confusing isn't it. My inclination is to think of a lefty as being somebody who wants to throw out the democratic principals of my country and replace them with a Soviet Union, Chinese, or Cuban way of doing things.
It is odd that somebody might toss this label around so freely at those who appose Republican ideals. There seems to be as much liberlism and welfare statism in Republican circles as in Democrat circles. The only difference seems to be who is on the receiving end of the government programs and what ideas are being liberalized.
It is clear from the definition of leftist that they would be on the very fringe of any major American political party and for that matter the fringe of our society in general. I don't believe Communism or Socialism would work any better in America than it has elsewhere. The pure principals of the idea that we are all our brothers keepers and that we should share with those who are less fortunate requires a moral maturity that is not present to a large degree here or elsewhere. I pray hard for the day this does become common nature, but realize that this battle must be won from within--one soul at a time.
My experience with talking with those who say they are socialist or communist leaning either directly or by the tone of their comments-- and what I see from their personal actions leads me to believe that they are less than honest. I would say that "leftists" are some of the most self centered, greedy people I have ever met. Their tithe envelopes and lack of actual social work speaks loader than their words.
Beware of somebody who wants everybody to pitch in for the common good. He or she are usually the one leaning against the shade tree taking a nap while the rest of us are doing their share of the chores. Sharing to them is a onesided arrangement.
I think Yodi might be a pure socialist by nature. Jesus was too. I work hard trying to overcome my own limitations in this arena. But by definition I would never accuse Yodi or Jesus as being "leftist".
Maybe we need a truth in labeling rule when we have discussions or debates.
Now I wonder what the term "rightist" or rightwing means?
I decided to google the term to see what the internet definition was, and here is what came up:
A broad range of political ideology that is denouncing the of economic and social inequality in the present order of society and advocating the adoption of vigorous public policies to reduce or eliminate these inequalities in opposition of the political agenda of the rightist. Common political paths include socialism , communism , social democracy, welfare statism, contemporary American liberalism and anarchy.
The second half of the definition seems to indicate that a leftist is a socialist or communist which is quite different from the other major party--"Democrat". I suppose some "leftists' would be included in a party that is more socially liberal, but certainly not the majority of that party. There already exists minor Communist and Socialist political parties just as there exists Libertarian and Green.
I wonder what the term social democracy means? Or the term American liberalism. This is quite confusing isn't it. My inclination is to think of a lefty as being somebody who wants to throw out the democratic principals of my country and replace them with a Soviet Union, Chinese, or Cuban way of doing things.
It is odd that somebody might toss this label around so freely at those who appose Republican ideals. There seems to be as much liberlism and welfare statism in Republican circles as in Democrat circles. The only difference seems to be who is on the receiving end of the government programs and what ideas are being liberalized.
It is clear from the definition of leftist that they would be on the very fringe of any major American political party and for that matter the fringe of our society in general. I don't believe Communism or Socialism would work any better in America than it has elsewhere. The pure principals of the idea that we are all our brothers keepers and that we should share with those who are less fortunate requires a moral maturity that is not present to a large degree here or elsewhere. I pray hard for the day this does become common nature, but realize that this battle must be won from within--one soul at a time.
My experience with talking with those who say they are socialist or communist leaning either directly or by the tone of their comments-- and what I see from their personal actions leads me to believe that they are less than honest. I would say that "leftists" are some of the most self centered, greedy people I have ever met. Their tithe envelopes and lack of actual social work speaks loader than their words.
Beware of somebody who wants everybody to pitch in for the common good. He or she are usually the one leaning against the shade tree taking a nap while the rest of us are doing their share of the chores. Sharing to them is a onesided arrangement.
I think Yodi might be a pure socialist by nature. Jesus was too. I work hard trying to overcome my own limitations in this arena. But by definition I would never accuse Yodi or Jesus as being "leftist".
Maybe we need a truth in labeling rule when we have discussions or debates.
Now I wonder what the term "rightist" or rightwing means?
The self examination at Lent--No ! this one does not require you to bend over.
OK friends, it has been a year since we last visited Lent. Tommorow we get to wake up early and begin our fast for Ash Wednesday. And that doesn't mean you can sneak into the refrigerator late tonight while the rest of the family sleeps and finish off the meatloaf and apple pie. Just like Lent--fasting is a privilidge and honor. It hinges on the "intent" we have to serve and sacrifice. We prepare at this time of year for the Easter celebration, and are reminded of the Lord who "gave" all so that we may "receive" all. With that in mind we in earnest use this time to purify our vessel in its entirety--mind-spirit-body.
Taking inventory and examining our conscience is vital in this process.
Over the past year you probably visited personal physician and dentist. They checked your body functions, blood chemistry, and gave you a thorough going over from inside and out. Tonight we are going to continue that effort with an even more important examination.
Let's first examine our "Love of "GOD"".
Have I loved "GOD" above all else, or have I allowed other things--money, popularity, image, success--to motivate me and have primary place in my heart?
Are there areas in my life that I am holding back from "GOD"? Secret parts I don’t want to expose to his light and his love?
Have I been faithful in my commitment to prayer and reading Scripture, to nourish my relationship with "GOD"?
Have I been faithful in honoring the Lord on the Sabbath?
Have I shown disrespect for "GOD'S" name by misusing it in anger or frustration? By hesitating to mention "GOD" in appropriate situations? Have I avoided revealing my faith in certain situations?
Secondly let's examine our-- "Love of Neighbor".
Is there anyone of whom I need to ask forgiveness? Is there anyone I need to forgive?
Have I yielded to anger and spoken hurtful or damaging words? Am I praying for those I consider "enemies"?
Do I strive for mercy and compassion, or do I hold others to an unreasonably high standard?
Do I envy others' lives or material possessions? Have I taken what is not rightfully mine?
Have I cheated or lied? Have I sought to protect my reputation at the expense of others?
Do I gossip? Have I failed to keep a secret that should have been confidential?
Have I engaged in sexual immorality? Have I tried to control my thoughts or given in to fantasies or lust? Have I treated others as objects and not persons valued by "GOD"?
Do I love the poor and do what I can to help, even if it means sacrifice on my part?
That concludes this post. I need the remainder of the evening to complete my own examination. And Yodi is guarding the kitchen entry against any late night sleep walking that might venture in that direction. Gulp!
Taking inventory and examining our conscience is vital in this process.
Over the past year you probably visited personal physician and dentist. They checked your body functions, blood chemistry, and gave you a thorough going over from inside and out. Tonight we are going to continue that effort with an even more important examination.
Let's first examine our "Love of "GOD"".
Have I loved "GOD" above all else, or have I allowed other things--money, popularity, image, success--to motivate me and have primary place in my heart?
Are there areas in my life that I am holding back from "GOD"? Secret parts I don’t want to expose to his light and his love?
Have I been faithful in my commitment to prayer and reading Scripture, to nourish my relationship with "GOD"?
Have I been faithful in honoring the Lord on the Sabbath?
Have I shown disrespect for "GOD'S" name by misusing it in anger or frustration? By hesitating to mention "GOD" in appropriate situations? Have I avoided revealing my faith in certain situations?
Secondly let's examine our-- "Love of Neighbor".
Is there anyone of whom I need to ask forgiveness? Is there anyone I need to forgive?
Have I yielded to anger and spoken hurtful or damaging words? Am I praying for those I consider "enemies"?
Do I strive for mercy and compassion, or do I hold others to an unreasonably high standard?
Do I envy others' lives or material possessions? Have I taken what is not rightfully mine?
Have I cheated or lied? Have I sought to protect my reputation at the expense of others?
Do I gossip? Have I failed to keep a secret that should have been confidential?
Have I engaged in sexual immorality? Have I tried to control my thoughts or given in to fantasies or lust? Have I treated others as objects and not persons valued by "GOD"?
Do I love the poor and do what I can to help, even if it means sacrifice on my part?
That concludes this post. I need the remainder of the evening to complete my own examination. And Yodi is guarding the kitchen entry against any late night sleep walking that might venture in that direction. Gulp!
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